Production Information
Production Information
Production Dates: November 14-16 at 7:00 p.m.

Eagles Club--November 14-16 7:00 p.m.

Tickets at the door each evening and here on our website

Director's Notes
Director's Notes

A 10 minute play is a theatrical piece with a duration of approxi- mately 10 minutes. It is characterized by a simple structure, a few characters, a single setting, and a plot that is resolved quickly and surprisingly. This theatrical form aims to capture the audience's at- tention from the very beginning, offering an intense, entertaining, and varied experience. The 10-minute form originated as a form of theatrical experimenta- tion, allowing playwrights to explore dramatic ideas concisely. Over time, it has become an established theatrical genre with numerous festivals and competitions dedicated exclusively to these short pieces.

Show Program
Show Gallery
Show Gallery

How Nice of You to Ask by Rich Rubin

Directed by Pat Brickson & Brianna Geer

Alan makes his living by asking some very personal questions. tea, Mavis responds. What could possibly go wrong?

Mavis: Brianna Geer

Bob: Pat Brickson

Judas Iscariot's Day Off by David MacGregor

Directed by Stephanie White

Thanks to a kind deed that he once performed, Judas Iscariot is allowed out of hell for one day every thousand years...and today is that day.

Judas: Carl Dahlberg

Debra Horton: Stephanie White

Omar Bagri: Jeffrey Willis

Archangel Gabriel: Heidi Thompson

Last Drinks by Greg Gould

Directed by Scott Fricke

Mel's partners keep dying. Ben can't die no matter how hard he tries. Did destiny bring these two lost souls together?

Mel: Sherry Knott

Ben: Scott Fricke

I Have a Secret by Marsha Lee Sheiness

Directed by Diane Krause

Mother and daughter express love during a visit at an assisted-living facility. Even though Sylvia doesn't recognize her daughter, Rachel, their relationship reveals that a parent and child can become best friends.

Sylvia: Diane Krause

Rachel: Anna Barth

Blades by Margo Hammond

Two blades of grass confront their differences.

The One: Brianna Geer

The Other: Shelby Pahlen

Go to the Light by Laurie Allen

Directed by Scott Pream

Daddy is on death's door and his children are growing weary of his refusal to let go. Plus, Daddy is obsessed with Facebook and even though the end is near, he insists on posting one last status update.

Daddy: Scott Pream

Sophie: Katelyn Barnes

Roxy: Amy Beckius-Johnson

Willa: Michele Christensen


Stage Manager: Tali Broden

Sound: Bruce Elseth

Lights: Carl Dahlberg

Costumes/Props: Jane Anderson

Special Thanks
Special Thanks

The Eagles Club for hosting us!

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P.O. Box 207
Thief River Falls, MN 56701
Copyright © 2025 Thief River Falls Area Community Theater.
All Rights Reserved.
Wxplore MN Theater Clean Water Land and Legacy and Minnesota State Arts Board